Saturday, 20 June 2015

How to Get Rid off Condo Clutter!

Living in a condo doesn’t really give you much room to hide away all of your “stuff” that you just can’t part with.  And it builds up and up and up and UP until you realize that it’d become clutter and a decluttering is needed.
I always try to help clients with storage solutions as this is always a major concern for many.  Using bins and under the bed organizers help keep the clutter at bay and out of sight.  But if you’ve exhausted all of your hiding spots and still have clutter kicking around follow these few steps to help you get on track.
1)     If you haven’t worn it for a year get rid of it! – This goes for all seasons – if you have clothing that you haven’t worn for over a year as a general rule you should pitch it.  Of course there are some exceptions – but if you stick to this rule your closets will be lean and trim.
2)     Knickknacks have to go! – Gone are the days when having shelves upon shelves of knickknacks was cool – the trend now is less is best.  Of course displaying a few interesting pieces is always acceptable, rocks from the 67 countries you visited 20 years ago is just a dust collector and clutter.
3)     Clear those counter tops! – Stacks of papers, bills, and cards are always conveniently left on counter tops or on top of different appliances.  I am not entirely sure why, or why the stacks continue to grow as well – but this is one of the major culprits for clutter.  Organize your papers, bills, and cards as you receive them in some type of filing system that is neat and tidy. 
4)     Straighten those books! – Disorganized bookshelves are a breeding ground for clutter – in them various things can be found that don’t really belong there.  Start by organizing your books, pitching any books that you’ve outgrown.  Or likely will never read again.  Book collections are great – and you can have a million e-books in just one device, instead of a cluttered bookshelf.
5)     Reorganize your furniture – There are many ways that the set up of your home creates a cluttered feeling.  If you live in a condo – not overdoing it with furniture is very important, or the cramped no space feeling starts to sink in.  Try reorganizing your furniture to optimize space and reduce the cluttered feeling.
There are many professional organizers out there that offer help to those searching for storage solutions.  Toronto Condos are getting smaller and smaller and the necessity for organizing becoming increasingly important.  This is also proven true in new condo developments that are incorporating different storage solutions into the unit itself.  It takes time and energy, but once you’ve decluttered your home – there will be significant improvements in your life as well.
Sherry Dabir’s Blogs on all that you need to know about Real Estate and more
 Tel # 416 417 2400

How To List You House For Sale

How To List Your House For Sale?
When you make the decision to sell your house, there are many things that need to be done in order to list it, and to be successful at it.  There is nothing worse than listing your home, and having it sit there with no movement for what seems to be forever.  Here are some helpful hints to get you on track when it comes to listing your home.
Firstly, and this may seem like a no brainer – you need to make sure that your house is up to par for listing.  This could mean little things like cleaning up house, grooming your landscape, de-cluttering the garage, small things that over time accumulate and are usually left for rainy days that never happen. Along with this, getting your OWN home inspection done is always a good idea.  You’ll be able to either rest assured that your house is good to go, or you will know in advance of any defects that may deter people from buying.
Secondly, it’s important to have your property evaluated by a professional. Sure it’d be great to list your house at whatever price you fancy – but that wont help you, and realistically, although profiting off of the sale would be ideal, it may not be as realistic as you had hoped.  There are many factors that can affect the value of your home, and understanding them upfront will help you realistically set a reasonable price point to work from.
Thirdly, time it right.  There are obvious hot peaks for houses to sell, and people to move.  If you are selling a family home, you need to time it right so that the move would happen in the summer months.  Homes that go up for sale in the winter, sometimes sit for ages before there is even a nibble.  Timing is key, so make sure that you are aware of the recent trends.
Once you are almost ready to list your home, it is important to know how to present your home to potential buyers.  While they wont be buying your furniture or knickknacks, it is of utmost importance to stage it right.  Tricks on how to make small spaces seem bigger, and how to brighten a room, or take attention away from something are all things that need to be done when you successfully stage your home.  Professionals can help you with this, and I highly recommend it.
The last thing that you can do to prepare yourself to list your home is to decide if you are going to sell it by owner – or if you are going to go through an agent.  There are pros and cons to each side, however when it comes to someone who is inexperienced when it comes to marketing, negotiating, and closing deals, I highly recommend going through an agent.  They can help you with all of these steps, and help you get your house on the market at the right time for a quick sell.  They have a professional network of people that can help you get things in order, before, during and after the process. 
Either route you decide to go, listing your home for sale is a process that should not be taken lightly.  There is a lot of work that goes into it, and a lot of time invested.  Good luck!
The condo market in Toronto is booming, and pre-construction condos are always something that is worthy of an investment.  Contact me today and let’s chat!
Sherry Dabir’s Blogs on all that you need to know about Real Estate and more
 Tel # 416 417 2400

Are You House Poor?

Many Canadians have reached a new kind of poor – House Poor

When we look at the increasing cost of living in Canada, and especially in Toronto, it’s not a surprise that over 30% of the population (and especially the younger generations) are house poor.  House poor refers to a new kind of poor – but a poor that is increasingly becoming more and more normalized.  House poor means when you spend over 30% of your income on your house and utilities.  Is it even possible to live below that, realistically in Toronto? The answer for the most part is no. 
Housing costs have increased.  Utilities are through the roof.  It makes sense that many Canadians are now House Poor – because unless they become CEO’s or win the lottery – this trend only threatens to increase.
It is important to understand what costs you can afford, before you make a final decision.  Sometimes this means cutting back on luxuries in life, until a balance can be met that allows you to live comfortably, and not in mega unmanageable mortgage debt.
One of the reasons why this has happened is due to the increase of DIY real estate.  Taking on everything from A to Z when buying a home without experience will surly lead to things being overlooked, or bad decisions being made. One way to avoid this seemingly growing trend is to consider speaking with professionals prior to making any big decisions.  Banks may offer you large mortgages that in theory, the payments are affordable.  However, are you just meeting the minimum? Or do you have room to move?
Financial planners can help you determine what you can really afford, so that you don’t become a negative statistic.  Laying out household costs that can include everything from condo fees, to transportation to children to determine where cuts can be made – if any.  There is real value in seeing things in black and white, and being able to see them for what they are prior to decision-making time is essential in making the right decision.
Real estate brokers can also help you find a home that is suitable to match your actual budget.  There are locations and options that only brokers have access to, and this could be the key to not becoming house poor. They also know about the different options out there, from pre construction to pre owned, to whatever the next trend may be – with you as their client, you can be sure they will help you as much as they can.
Regardless of the statistics, Canadians are becoming more financially aware, and are realizing more and more the need for a financial plan, and the importance of managing debt.  It is something that unfortunately for many and for most, is unavoidable, but with the right planning, and the right help, resources and information, can be manageable.  Let me help you avoid the house poor trend, and live comfortably and happily in something that is just right for you.
 The condo market in Toronto is booming, and pre-construction condos are always something that is worthy of an investment. Contact me today and let’s chat!
Sherry Dabir’s Blogs on all that you need to know about Real Estate and more
 Tel # 416 417 2400

What to know before starting to buy a home

The first question you’re bound to ask is, “How much home can I afford?” That depends on a number of factors:
Your selected location. Are you set on a specific area? Downtown? The suburbs? A rural setting?
Your preferred type of home. Detached? Semi? Duplex? High-rise? Link? Townhouse? New or Resale? There are a variety of home styles you will want to explore.
Your income. After all, it’s not just the mortgage you have to take into account. There are property taxes, utilities, and in some cases condo or strata fees. As a general rule of thumb, your monthly home-carrying cost should not exceed 30-35% of your income.
Market conditions. Is it a buyer’s, sellers or balanced market?
There are also additional costs to keep in mind. It’s a good idea to work out exactly what you want and what you can afford before you begin the search. Be specific! After all, you don’t want to suddenly come to the realization that your dream house has come with a nightmare of bills and expenses. Stick to looking at houses in your price range. The more you've thought it out, the better your sales representative can meet your needs.
A part of deciding just what you can afford can be accomplished by meeting with your bank or a mortgage broker and negotiating a pre-approved mortgage. There are many types of mortgages and many different terms. Research all of your options. This ensures that there are no surprises once you’re ready to make an offer.
Once you've figured out your monthly expenses and what you can afford, you can start your search. It could happen that the first home you see is the one you want; or you might look at home after home with none of them catching your interest. Rest assured, the home you’re looking for is out there, and when you find it, you’re ready to make an offer. If your offer is accepted, the next steps are closing and moving into your new home.
Purchasing a home is easy once you put your plans into action.
Sherry Dabir’s Blogs on all that you need to know about Real Estate and more
 Tel # 416 417 2400

Why Do You Need to Get Pre-qualified and Pre-approved For a Mortgage?

"Why Do You Need to Get Pre-qualified and Pre-approved For a Mortgage?"
When you are purchasing your first property especially if it is a pre-construction condo – there are many benefits to get pre-qualified and pre-approved for a mortgage before you decide on what you are going to purchase.  Pre-qualifying for a mortgage is very useful when gauging your budget, which can help you narrow down different variables so that your search can be more focused and more likely to succeed.  Once that has happened, and you have found a location within your budget, the next step would be to get pre-approved for a mortgage
Getting mortgage pre-approval is a more lengthy process, however it is much more beneficial and forward moving when purchasing a property.   Pre approvals involve credit checks, and verification, completed by the lender and are valid for 90 days.  While the process is a bit more involved to get done, it is the only way to fast track any type of real estate purchase
Many real estate brokers prefer their clients to have a pre-approval letter to show proof that funds are attainable.  This shows that you are seriously in the market to purchase, and sometimes there is competition on properties, and having this pre approval letter will be beneficial to you and give you a point in your favour compared to someone who does not have this letter.
It can also help you really determine how much you can spend on your property.  When purchasing pre construction condos, there are wide ranges of options to choose from.  While the pre-qualification of the mortgage can help you narrow down the general price, a pre-approval can help you down to the nitty gritty, and will really put a cap on things.  Working within a budget can sometimes be considered limiting, but having that pre approval can help you and your broker understand better what you can or cannot do. 
Financially, as previously mentioned, getting a pre-approval for a mortgage is beneficial.  Not only are the rates guaranteed for 90 days, but you are also protected by potential increasing interest rates, if you choose a fixed rate mortgage.  This will also help you understand your monthly budget, and your mortgage payments, and really make your commitment clear. 
All in all, I do recommend to all of my clients to get their pre-approval letter prior to seriously starting to shop around for a property, and especially before they seriously consider purchasing a pre-construction condo.  I think that while the process does take some time, it is absolutely worth it in the long run.  You get a better idea of what you can afford, you are guaranteed that rate (should the interest rates increase) for 90 days on a fixed rate mortgage, and it’s excellent to have in case of bidding war emergencies. 
Let me help you understand better the benefits of getting a mortgage pre approval and I promise you will not be disappointed.  
Whether you are a first time buyer, or a seasoned buyer, I can help you understand the current market situation, and the future outlook, and what that means for you.  The condo market in Toronto is booming, and pre-construction condos are always something that is worthy of an investment.  Contact me today and let’s chat!

Sherry Dabir’s Blogs on all that you need to know about Real Estate and more
 Tel # 416 417 2400

Monday, 15 June 2015

How To List You House For Sale

The negative impacts of getting out of a Home Buyers contract

There are many reasons why one would want an out of a home buyer’s contractFinancial reasons primarily come to mind, but others including emotional turmoil, a home inspection gone wrong, or as simple as contingencies that are not being met within the contract itself.
But what are the possible consequences of terminating a contract before it happens? Are there any financial implication, or worse legal implications? Well, to answer those questions, there are many negative consequences including financial and possible legal implications if you want out of your home buyer’s contract. Generally speaking one must look at this contract as they would any other contract or purchase. Meaning once you sign the dotted line, there are no returns or refunds – without mega hassles and complications.
If you try to get out of a home buyers contract, be prepared for a long battle. There are no easy ways out, and it does take time and energy and possibly legal action (money) to make it happen. On the more negative side of the coin – the seller may take legal action against you, as they had depended on your purchase. In real estate it is a chain of events that happen once someone lists a home. You sell your home, you buy another home –and on it goes. But when that chain gets broken, someone’s got to take the fall.
In pre-construction condos, there are many contingencies, but generally they do not allow for you to get out of the original contract. There are a few safety nets in place, such as The Tarion and The Condo Act that protect the buyers and the sellers in case something goes wrong or someone wants out. But regardless it is extremely hard to get out of a contract unscathed.
Some developers understand and can be compassionate and allow for some changes, however, most, as in all businesses depend on the sales in order to follow through with the construction. If you change your mind and want out – it could potentially set the schedule back – and that could result in many angry people.
Developers have been known to fight hard to maintain a contract with a buyer. They could sue you, or even charge you for not following through with the contract that you had originally signed.
For these reasons, it is essential to understand what you can or cannot do. What options you have if things go awry, or you simply cannot continue with the commitment. In any case, and any sale, understanding the contract that you sign BEFORE you sign it is important. A professional will ask you questions, and explain what exactly your rights are, and what the consequences could be if you didn’t follow through.
Being aware and informed is something that I believe every buyer whether purchasing pre construction or pre owned, needs to be accomplished before making a decision. Let me help you understand what your rights are, what possibilities you have, and what consequences you could face. Happy house hunting!
The condo market in Toronto is booming, and pre construction condos are always something that is worthy of an investment. Contact me today and let’s chat!
Sherry Dabir’s Blogs on all that you need to know about Real Estate and more
Tel # 416 417 2400

How To List You House For Sale

How To List Your House For Sale

When you make the decision to sell your house, there are many things that need to be done in order to list it, and to be successful at it.  There is nothing worse than listing your home, and having it sit there with no movement for what seems to be forever.  Here are some helpful hints to get you on track when it comes to listing your home.
Firstly, and this may seem like a no brainer – you need to make sure that your house is up to par for listing.  This could mean little things like cleaning up house, grooming your landscape, de-cluttering the garage, small things that over time accumulate and are usually left for rainy days that never happen. Along with this, getting your OWN home inspection done is always a good idea.  You’ll be able to either rest assured that your house is good to go, or you will know in advance of any defects that may deter people from buying.
Secondly, it’s important to have your property evaluated by a professional. Sure it’d be great to list your house at whatever price you fancy – but that wont help you, and realistically, although profiting off of the sale would be ideal, it may not be as realistic as you had hoped.  There are many factors that can affect the value of your home, and understanding them upfront will help you realistically set a reasonable price point to work from.
Thirdly, time it right.  There are obvious hot peaks for houses to sell, and people to move.  If you are selling a family home, you need to time it right so that the move would happen in the summer months.  Homes that go up for sale in the winter, sometimes sit for ages before there is even a nibble.  Timing is key, so make sure that you are aware of the recent trends.
Once you are almost ready to list your home, it is important to know how to present your home to potential buyers.  While they wont be buying your furniture or knickknacks, it is of utmost importance to stage it right.  Tricks on how to make small spaces seem bigger, and how to brighten a room, or take attention away from something are all things that need to be done when you successfully stage your home.  Professionals can help you with this, and I highly recommend it.
The last thing that you can do to prepare yourself to list your home is to decide if you are going to sell it by owner – or if you are going to go through an agent.  There are pros and cons to each side, however when it comes to someone who is inexperienced when it comes to marketing, negotiating, and closing deals, I highly recommend going through an agent.  They can help you with all of these steps, and help you get your house onthe market at the right time for a quick sell.  They have a professional network of people that can help you get things in order, before, during and after the process. 
Either route you decide to go, listing your home for sale is a process that should not be taken lightly.  There is a lot of work that goes into it, and a lot of time invested.  Good luck!
The condo market in Toronto is booming, and pre construction condos are always something that is worthy of an investment.  Contact me today and let’s chat!
Sherry Dabir’s Blogs on all that you need to know about Real Estate and more
 Tel # 416 417 2400

What is the difference between mortgage penalty fee and mortgage cancellation fee?

"What is the difference between mortgage penalty fee and mortgage cancellation fee?"

Trying to understand all of the terms and possible penalties and the basic ins and outs of mortgages is not a simple task.  Sometimes, as a home buyer, information can get to be too much and too confusing, and makes purchasing a home or a pre construction condo that much more daunting. 
I’ve always liked to explain fully to my clients the situation so that they can make an informed decision, and move forward from there.  One of the biggest mortgage aspects that get confused is the difference between a mortgage penalty fee, and a mortgage cancellation fee.  Both are very different fees that need to be understood prior to taking out a mortgage.
A Mortgage penalty fee is a fee that is applied when someone wishes to get out of their mortgage.  This could be for a number of reasons but the most common is either overpaying the lender, and refinancing or selling your home.
Depending on the terms of your mortgage, these fees could be upwards of thousands of dollars.  Generally when you sign up for a mortgage, penalties are clearly defined, and generally equal to either 3 months interest (on the mortgage) or and interest rate differential – obviously the one that is greater is the one that you will have to pay. 
Depending on the type of mortgage that you have, either fixed or variable rates, will also determine how much you pay.  Generally those in a fixed rate mortgage will have to pay a greater amount (usually the interest rate differential), where as those in a variable rate mortgage would only have to pay 3 months interest.  This is always something to consider when applying for a mortgage.
Calculating the actual fees is also somewhat of a headache – and it is not always consistent throughout the spectrum.  Generally the interest rate differential is calculated by the amount that you are already pre-paying, and the interest rate amount that the borrower could get today if they were to lend to someone else.  These fees can be astronomical, and a little concerning.  Also, it must be noted that each lender calculates the mortgage penalty fees differently.  As a client you must understand what you are getting into prior to signing up. 
A mortgage cancellation fee is somewhat similar, but is generally determined by the brokerage that is lending.  These fees could be a percentage (determined by them) of the amount lent.  Mostly cases are determined individually and depending on the circumstances, the fee would be based on the final decision.  Cancellation fees are generally imposed because the client finds a better rate somewhere else, or has a situation beyond their control to deal with.
Whatever the case, mortgage penalty fees, and mortgage cancellation fees need to be understood and factored in when taking on a mortgage.  It is important as a client to get the bigger more realistic picture, and have answers to all of the “what if’s” before signing the dotted line. 

Whether you are a first time buyer, or a seasoned buyer, I can help you understand the current market situation, and the future outlook, and what that means for you.  The condo market in Toronto is booming, and pre construction condos are always something that is worthy of an investment.  Contact me today and let’s chat!
Sherry Dabir’s Blogs on all that you need to know about Real Estate and more
 Tel # 416 417 2400